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Helping Kids Master Handwriting . . .

Designed by Lisa Marnell, MS, OTR/L
Occupational Therapist


Parent / Teacher Tips . . .
Designed by Lisa Marnell, MS, OTR/L
Occupational Therapist
Some Tips for Parents and Teachers:
* Pencil Grasp: Many grasps are perfectly fine. But ensure that a child has an open web space. This means the thumb and forefinger form an oval when a child holds the pencil.
Improve Pencil Grasp - pick up small items with tweezers
- string beads, move from large to smaller
- play with pegboards (make letters and numbers)
* Bilateral Coordination: Help kids use two hands together when writing! One hand holds the paper. The other hand writes. This skill is key to efficient writing.
Improve Bilateral Coordination - practice cutting paper strips, move onto pictures
- fold paper, try simple origami activities
- practice stringing beads
* Writing Instrument: A wide pencil is more comfortable for young hands. If a child has difficulty holding a pencil with an open web space, hand strength and development may be too immature for writing. Practice basic writing strokes with chalk on a vertical surface.
Vary Writing Instrument - once a child has a well-formed grip, try writing with markers, paintbrushes and chalk.

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Need help? Do you have questions about this program?
Email Lisa at
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