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Helping Kids Master Handwriting . . .

Designed by Lisa Marnell, MS, OTR/L
Occupational Therapist

Designed by Lisa Marnell, MS, OTR/L
Occupational Therapist

Legible Handwriting . . .
Designed by Lisa Marnell, MS, OTR/L
Occupational Therapist


These five components of writing affect legibility.
Difficulty in two or more of these areas
makes handwriting a challenge.
Letter Formation
Letter Spacing
Letter Spacing:
Omitting spaces between words is a common error which makes writing hard to read.
Try these ideas.
* After writing a word, have a child place his or her index finger of the non-dominant hand on the writing line to make a space. Start the next word to the right of the finger.
* Write sentences on graph paper, leaving one or two squares empty after each word.
* Write a long dash after each word to teach kids to make spaces.

words well!
Letter Alignment
Letter Alignment:
When letters float above the line or dip below the line, legibility is compromised. Like all skills that affect legibility, visual motor skills (ability to effectively coordinate visual guidance and written output) often play a key role. Activities such as dot to dots and mazes help. In addition, try these ideas.
* With a brown marker, draw a line that represents the ground. Instruct the child to touch the ground with each letter and "plant the seeds so grass will grow." Ask him or her to go back and circle each letter correctly aligned on the line.
* To improve attention to "the ground". draw flowers that start in the soil
and grow up to the sky. Draw worms, ants, birds, and anything you think
of on the ground. As children have fun with this activity, remind them that
all objects MUST touch the ground.

Letter Size
Letter Size:
Children may make letters too large, too small, or inconsistent in size.
Try these activities to help.
* Improve a child's awareness of letter size through play with a dry erase board or
chalkboard. Experiment making giant letters, tiny letters, or copying the size of the
letter the adult draws.
* Review a writing sample the child completed and ask him or her to circle letters which are either too large or too small.
* Copy a sentence focusing on writing tiny letters. Copy the same sentence and make big letters.

Letter Slant
Letter Slant:
To improve letter slant in cursive writing, try these ideas.
* On the chalkboard, draw a diagonal line to serve as a guide for correct letter slant. Have children think of a word in a category, such as sports, and write it on the board. Rewrite as needed to achieve proper slant.
* Practice writing letters using imagery: "Drive up the mountain and down the other side."
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Need help? Do you have questions about this program?
Email Lisa at
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